History education

Opportunities to see more

There is almost nothing different between secondary school education and education in elementary school, it is just a continuation. So what is the point of the existence of this institution which the secondary school is, if it does not bring anything new to the system and causes only unnecessary confusion.

Moreover, it it is about the history object it turns out to be even more strange because all the material in six year primary school is just repeated again, with the intent to expand… but how much can you expand the material full of many different informations in such a short time?

One good aspect is that in junior high schoole there is placed more emphasis on museum-lessons. Students have more opportunities to visit Auschwitz Birkenau and different important places.

art museum



 Lose history of our country

The conclusion is that regarding the history-subject it turns out that secondary school contribute nothing valuable and you can even say that becouse of this institution we lose on history lessons very much.

First of all, we lose the opportunity to gain decent knowledge about the history of our country. In fact, it is like the learning of history in elementary school we start  since the prehistoric times. Then we go through the next eras, ages, centuries dominated by details of other more significant on the world stage countries.

history home


Finally at the end of 6th grade we approache to the newest Polish history and it turns out that becouse of lack of time  we can only slightly 'bitte’ it. In the olden days, then there was placed more emphasis on the history. Do we have a clue about history of such relic as the Salt Mine? How many of us have been on salt mine tour? Few probably… In the same time foreign tourists are arriving multitudinously to buy one of  krakow salt mine tour and see this huge monument.